خمس نصائح لعملية التمثيل السريع

النماذج الأولية السريعة is a process that uses computer aided tools and techniques such as 3D printing and stereo lithography to create physical product models for production tooling and analysis. يمكن أن تكون العملية مفيدة جدًا لمصممي المنتجات, موردي المكونات وحتى الشركات المصنعة ويأتي مع عدد من المزايا, مثل توفير الوقت, تقليل التكلفة, خفض الخطأ وما إلى ذلك. It helps you build and test ideas for product development so that you know whether your idea can be turned into a good product in an efficient manner. Given below are 5 tips to help you build rapid prototyping models successfully.

1.Manage complexity

فعلا, the aim of this approach is to test the impact of different models on their performance. If there are lots of variables, you may want to be careful when combing them in the same breadboard. تحتاج إلى عمل الختم اللاصق والعكس المنحدر على الأجزاء المطاطية لمنع تشوه الغراء, if you have some difficult models, you should break them into different builds isolating complex systems. Then you can join them to simulate the actual product.

2.Test parameters

The role of rapid prototyping is not limited to finding out whether an idea can work or not. في واقع الأمر, a good breadboard lets you know the variables that allows the process to work. What you need to do is design the system based on the variables that you think can have a great impact on the performance. And don’t forget to test.

3.Go for speed

At first, it’s not a good idea to get the perfect parts. Just go for what is good enough. What you need to do is get the maximum number of off-the-shelf parts. فعلا, it’s faster, cheaper and gives you the freedom to change the parts when required. اذا كان ممكنا, you may want to go for items with short lead-times and variety.

4.Critical parts

When using off-the-shelf components, you will find custom pieces as well. Fabricating these pieces yourself is also a good idea. فعلا, this is the fastest way. You can also tweak them as you find out that your initial design was not the best one. For these parts, using rapid prototyping methods is not a good idea. At this phase, you don’t need to make custom injection parts, especially if rapid prototyping components get you what you want.


As far as rapid prototyping goes, nothing is worse than ignoring something that is part of your learning process. If you think that you may need a stronger component, you should take steps to make it happen. يمكن أن تكون المنتجات عالية الجودة مجرد نسيم في الإنتاج, you should not worry about cost, design or simplicity. You can take care of that later on.


عن شركة JasonMould الصناعية المحدودة:

JasonMould هو واحد من الأفضل صناع صب حقن البلاستيك التي تقدم خدمات رائعة لعملائها عندما يتعلق الأمر بتصنيع أدوات القولبة المتقدمة. يقومون بتصدير أدواتهم إلى أجزاء مختلفة من العالم وأصبحوا أحد أشهر الأسماء في القطاع الصناعي.

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اسم الشركة: شركة JasonMould الصناعية المحدودة

عنوان: قرية لونجانج,مدينة LongXi,مقاطعة BoLuo,مدينة هويتشو,مقاطعة غانج دونج, الصين

هاتف: 86-752-6682869

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موقع إلكتروني: https://www.jasonmolding.com

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