Ліццё пластмас пад ціскам is one of the most used techniques for producing a high volume of plastic parts. Гэты спосаб заснаваны на нагрэтай бочцы і спецыяльнай паражніны формы для стварэння дакладнай формы і памеру розных пластыкавых прадметаў. На самой справе, the majority of the products on the market, if not all, have benefited from plastic injection molding. The process can be used to create products of various kinds and sizes, along with different purposes.

Below are different industries that currently benefit from the process of plastic injection molding:


Electronics are a major part of daily life. Everything from cellphones to ultra HD televisions is composed of tiny electronic components that work together to make the devices function properly. Now imagine your television without the frame—just a screen connected to a green board and surrounded by little blinking lights.

Aside from looking really bad, this also leaves the components exposed to dust and other environmental factors that could affect its performance and lifespan. There’s also the question of whether your television will even be able to stand up because the base is often made of plastic too.

Electronics need plastic casings to protect them. Plastic doesn’t absorb moisture and doesn’t expand when subjected to heat like metal does, which means they’re the ideal material for housing components, and these are produced through the process of plastic injection molding.



It would be very difficult to produce a thumb-sized toy with metal, and creating one with clay would result in it being extra brittle. When plastic injection molding is used, аднак, the required accuracy can be attained, and the end product would be a well-defined and sturdy toy—and this is extremely important because toys are the type of merchandise that will always be in demand as long as there are children.

There are all kinds of toys on the market. Some are small and others are huge, but they are all produced through plastic injection molding. Without it, highly detailed collector’s toys and feature action figures would not be possible—the properties of plastic are perfect for toy making.



Due to the nature of work in the medical and dental fields, it is vital that all the tools are of the best quality possible, and are made of the right material. While the tools of surgeons and dentists are made of top-grade stainless steel, there are other tools and equipment that must be made of plastic.

Such equipment includes cups, vials, and jars for sample collection; tubing connectors and clips; and disposable forceps, to name a few—and all of these equipment are products of plastic molding injection.



Concrete and steel are staples in terms of construction materials, but there are times when plastic is a better alternative.

Take door and window frames made of metal, напрыклад. It is true that they are hard and durable, but they can get rusty over time and can expand and damage the wall structure on hot days. Пластыкавыя, з другога боку, is impervious to these factors and can be just as sturdy. Дадаткова, plastic is lighter, easier to install, and is more cost-friendly.



Due to the efficiency of the plastic injection molding process, it is used in shoe making as well. Many shoe manufacturers utilize injection molding in creating the soles of shoes.

While the material used is different, the same process is used. Plastic injection molding allows the creation of precisely shaped soles that perform excellently in supporting weight and providing comfort.

Food and Beverages

The food industry is one of the largest industries in the world—if it isn’t the largest already. There are over millions of restaurant and fast food branches scattered across the planet, with most of them making use of plastic products such as plastic spoons, forks, and plates. And yes, they are also products of plastic injection molding.

Because of their natural characteristics, plastic products are great alternatives to stainless steel and glass, which are more expensive to produce and harder to maintain. If plastic wasn’t utilized in the food industry, employees would constantly need to be washing dishes all throughout their shift, and take-out wouldn’t exist!


JasonMould Industrial Company Limited з'яўляецца вядучым вытворца ліцця пластмас пад ціскам у Кітаі. Кампанія была створана ў годзе 2010. Кампанія зрабіла рэпутацыю аднаго з лепшых вытворцаў пластыкавых формаў у Кітаі. Яны выдатна робяць медыцынскае абсталяванне, прыборы, электроннае абсталяванне і нават абсталяванне бяспекі.

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі аб заказным вытворцы пластмасавых вырабаў для ліцця,калі ласка, наведайце https://www.jasonmolding.com/

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Назва кампаніі: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Адрас: Вёска LongGang,Горад LongXi,Акруга БоЛуо,Горад Хуэйчжоу,Правінцыя Гуандун, Кітай

Тэлефон: 86-752-6682869

Электронная пошта: [email protected]

Вэб -сайт: https://www.jasonmolding.com

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