Адрозненні паміж двухколернай цвіллю і Overmold

Форма падвойнага колеру: два віды пластыкавых матэрыялаў адліваюцца на адной і той жа машыне для ліцця пад ціскам, і фармуецца ў два разы, але прадукты паміраюць толькі адзін раз. Наогул, гэты працэс ліцця таксама называецца падвойным ліццём пад ціскам, звычайна наборам формаў, and a special two-color injection molding machine is needed.

Overmold: two kinds of plastic materials do not have to be injected into the same injection machine and are molded in two times. After taking out the mold from a set of moulds, the product is then placed in another set of moulds for second injection molding. Таму, the general molding process is usually done by two sets of molds instead of a special two-color injection molding machine.

Double color mold and overmold overview: the design should pay attention to the positioning of overmold, need to make the adhesive sealing and the reverse slope on the rubber parts to prevent the deformation of the glue. Double color mold is becoming more and more popular in the market at present. This process can make the appearance of the product more beautiful, easy to change color but can not be sprayed, but the cost is expensive, also needs high technical requirements.

  1. The two shapes of Cavity are different, forming one kind of products respectively. And the two shapes of the Core are exactly the same.
  2. the front and rear mould of the die must be 180degree after the center rotates. This check action must be done at design time.
  3. pay attention to the position of the pinhole of the top, the minimum distance 210mm. Large mold must be properly increased the number of rod holes. Больш за тое, таму што напарстак, прымацаваны да машыны для ліцця пад ціскам, недастаткова доўгі, we must design an elongated thimble in the mold, and the thimble will grow about 150mm of the mold base. 2 positioning rings must be designed on the back die floor.
  4. the total thickness of the front panel plus A board should not be less than 170mm. Please take a closer look at other reference data of this type of injection molding machine, напрыклад, the maximum thickness of the injection mold, the minimum thickness of the mold, the distance between the top hole and so on.
  5. the water outlet of the three plate die is preferably designed to be automatically demoulding. Special attention should be paid to whether the ejection action of the soft rubber nozzle can be *. 6. the depth of the SPRUE in the front side does not exceed 65mm. The distance from the top of the upper side (SPRUE) to the center of the mold is not less than 150mm.
  6. in designing second injection moulded CAVITY, we can design a part of avoiding the first place of the product that has been molded by CAVITY. Аднак, it is necessary to carefully consider the strength of each sealing site, гэта, in the injection molding, will there be a plastic deformation under the large injection pressure, which may lead to the possibility of a batch front in the second injection molding.
  1. in designing second injection moulded CAVITY, we can design a part of avoiding the first place of the product that has been molded by CAVITY. Аднак, it is necessary to carefully consider the strength of each sealing site, гэта, in the injection molding, will there be a plastic deformation under the large injection pressure, which may lead to the possibility of a batch front in the second injection molding.
  2. ліццё пад ціскам, the first injection molding product size can be slightly larger in order to make it in the second molding can be more tight with the other CAVITY, in order to meet the sealing effect.
  3. pay attention to whether the flow of plastic will be impulsive in the second injection process, so that the first molded product will deform its glue position. If this is possible, we must try to improve it.
  4. before A or B plate clamping, pay attention to whether the front mold Slider or Lifter will first reset and crush the product. Такім чынам, we must try to make the A and B boards die first, then the SLIDER or LIFET of the front die can be reset.
  5. two CAVITY and CORE water distribution as far as possible, and balanced, the same.

12.99% situarion is to first inject the hard rubber part of the product, and then injection the soft rubber part of the product. Because the soft glue is easy to deform.


Аб JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:

JasonMould Industrial Company Limited з'яўляецца вядучым вытворца ліцця пластмас пад ціскам у Кітаі. Кампанія была створана ў годзе 2010. Кампанія зрабіла рэпутацыю аднаго з лепшых вытворцаў пластыкавых формаў у Кітаі. Яны выдатна робяць медыцынскае абсталяванне, прыборы, электроннае абсталяванне і нават абсталяванне бяспекі.

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі аб заказным вытворцы пластмасавых вырабаў для ліцця,калі ласка, наведайце https://www.jasonmolding.com/

Кантакт запыту:

Кантактная асоба: Джэймс Юань

Назва кампаніі: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Адрас: Вёска LongGang,Горад LongXi,Акруга БоЛуо,Горад Хуэйчжоу,Правінцыя Гуандун, Кітай

Тэлефон: 86-752-6682869

Электронная пошта: [email protected]

Вэб -сайт: https://www.jasonmolding.com


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