Аб JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

JasonMould Industrial Company Limited з'яўляецца прафесіяналам кітайская кампанія па вытворчасці ліцця пад ціскам для 3D друку Служба хуткага прататыпавання,дакладнасць фрэзерных паслуг з ЧПУ і на заказ Паслугі апрацоўкі з ЧПУ,custom plastic injection molding or moulding company with mould and dies development and manufacturing.Offering you the ability to get products to market quickly and in a cost effective manner.

We will match your sophistication level on any project. Whether you want to meet the highest quality tolerances or save money and get the product produced as soon as possible (even then we will insure that only acceptable parts are produced).
Our staff will work around the clock to get your product ready for market.

Project Management

Our company can manage your project, keep your overhead down and pass the savings on to you. JasonMould will coordinate your project through a powerful network of manufacturing professionals, ensuring that quality is met along the way and that your product gets delivered on time and to your exact specifications.

Information for inventors

  1. You need to discuss your idea with a patent attorney; they can help you with the legal requirements of the patent office. Be very careful of sharing your new idea before those legal requirements are met. Our staff is always happy to assist and advise inventors with their inventions.
  2. Джэйсан Молд will sign a non-disclosure agreement, so you will feel comfortable knowing that your product or invention is protected.

3.Technical DrawingsOur company has the ability to produce technical drawings,(work load permitting) or refer you to someone in your area who can do them for you.

4.PrototypeJasonMould will work with you to develop a prototype of your product.

5.We will then guide you through a complete cost analysis. The cost will be based on your 3D drawings, the weight and volume of the part, your assembly requirements, the number of parts you need and the time frame of production.

Памятайце, tooling drives production costs. A one-cavity mold only makes one part at a time, so you get fewer parts per hour than with a multi-cavity mold, but a one-cavity tool is cheaper. Lower the cost of your product by producing more cavities. It’s a trade off between your tooling budget and your production budget.

JasonMould is a company committed to getting your custom molded products into production as quickly and economically as possible.

Асоба: Джэймс Юань
Кампанія: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Дадаць: Вёска LongGang,Горад LongXi,Акруга БоЛуо,Горад Хуэйчжоу,Правінцыя Гуандун, Кітай
Тэл: 86-752-6682869
Электронная пошта: [email protected]


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