Ці будзе замест гэтага вытворчасць ліцця пад ціскам пластмасы паслугамі хуткага прататыпавання 3D -друкам?

JasonMould Industrial Company Limited з'яўляецца прафесійным пастаўшчыком 3D-друку ў Кітай Служба хуткага прататыпавання,дакладнасць фрэзерных паслуг з ЧПУ і на заказ Паслугі апрацоўкі з ЧПУ,ліццё пад ціскам або ліццёвая кампанія з распрацоўкай і вытворчасцю прэс -формаў.

Ліццё пластмасы-гэта выпрабаваны метад вытворчасці, які не пагражае ў бліжэйшы час. Гэта асноўнае, надзейны метад вытворчасці пластыкавых дэталяў высокай якасці. Despite recent improvements in the technology of 3D printing and those likely to emerge in the future, the fact is that more than 80% of plastic parts used in products today have to be injection molded.

Some observers of the plastics manufacturing industry, especially those with a vested interest, would like to have you believe that 3D printing is going to be the demise of injection molding. While there are certainly cases where 3D printing makes sense, the reports of the death of injection molding have been greatly exaggerated.

The answer to the question, “Which manufacturing method is best for my part?” ёсць, “It depends.It depends on variables like cost, quality and quantity.


The overall cost of a 3D printed part compared to an injection molded part is tied to the quantity being produced, assuming the aforementioned quality issues do not preclude 3D printing as an option out of the gate. In the study at Lowell, the cost of 3D printing 300 of a certain size part was $20 each. The piece price of injection molding a million such units with a steel mold was just $1.13 each.

Another cost factor to consider is that associated with a design change in the prototyping stage. In 3D printing, there is no cost of modifying a mold for a prototype iteration. Design changes are simply made to the CAD model.

Within injection molding, design changes with a steel mold are typically easy to make and relatively inexpensive, but with aluminum molding tools, a design change may require the expense of all new tooling.

Дадаткова, new simulation software is now available to help resolve injection molding challenges in software rather than through costly, time-consuming prototyping iterations. Testing molds in a virtual simulation environment cuts across communication barriers and allows designers, moldmakers, and manufacturing professionals to collaborate more efficiently and effectively, while eliminating the need for costly prototype and mold cycles.


One of the key limitations of 3D printing is the inability to make parts with the same physical properties as conventional injection molded parts. Although the number of various materials available for 3D printing seems to be constantly increasing, it is still limited compared to all the various plastic materials that can be molded. While a 3D printed prototype might be acceptable for evaluating its shape, there is no way to test the material characteristics if your prototype is not the same material as the production part will be.

Another issue cited in Kazmer’s study was surface finish. While the surface finish of the part may vary according to how good (expensive) the 3D printer is, it is still no match for the smooth surfaces attainable with polished steel injection molds.

Last, but certainly not least in the list of quality differences, is the issue of tolerances. Although the ability of 3D printing to hold tighter part tolerances is expected to improve with advanced process designs (like parallel printing) and optimization, today the part quality achieved in 3D printing is inferior compared to molded parts.


David Kazmer, Professor of Plastics Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, said in a published paper that 3D printing currently makes sense for the most rapidprocurement time to quantityfor a small quantity of 50 or fewer units.

So for production runs, injection molding is still the best manufacturing method, especially considering the long production час involved for 3D printing compared to injection molding.

There is an emerginghybridpractice of 3D printing the mold tooling inserts only, then producing the parts with injection molding. For certain limited applications, 3D printed inserts can be employed as a test mold for product development and very limited quantities. A 3D printed mold may last for typically just 60 каб 180 pieces.

Kazmer’s study looked at where 3D printed tooling inserts may fit into the big picture, and concluded that there were still significant issues with both metal inserts (surface finish and machine cost) and polymer inserts (surface finish as well as poor strength and heat transfer).



When it comes to 3D printing versus injection molding, the best production method for your parts will become clear when you can answer these questions regarding your desired cost, quality and quantity.


Аб JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

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Асоба: Джэймс Юань
Кампанія: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Дадаць: Вёска LongGang,Горад LongXi,Акруга БоЛуо,Горад Хуэйчжоу,Правінцыя Гуандун, Кітай
Тэл: 86-752-6682869
Электронная пошта: [email protected]

Сайт: https://www.jasonmolding.com/rapid-prototyping-service/

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