Умовы працы пластыкавай формы

Due to the development of plastics and plastic molding industry, патрабаванні да якасці пластыкавай формы ўсё больш і больш высокія, таму праблема разбурэння пластыкавых формаў і фактары, якія ўплываюць на яе, сталі важнай тэмай даследаванняў. Асноўнымі рабочымі часткамі пластмасавых форм з'яўляюцца фармовачныя дэталі, напрыклад, выпуклыя штампы, ўвагнутыя плашчакі, і г.д.. Яны ўтвараюць паражніну пластыкавых формаў, якія ўтвараюць розныя паверхні пластмасавых дэталяў і непасрэдна кантактуюць з пластмасамі, падвяргаецца ціску, тэмпература, friction and corrosion, і г.д..

Failure Analysis of plastic Moulding Materials :

General mold manufacturing includes die design, выбар матэрыялу, тэрмічная апрацоўка, механічная апрацоўка, debugging and installation. According to the investigation, the material used and the heat treatment are the main factors affecting the service life of the die. From the perspective of total quality management, the factors that affect the service life of the die can not be measured as the sum of polynomials, but should be the product of multiple factors. The merits and demerits of mould material and heat treatment are very important in the whole mould manufacturing process. From the analysis of the common phenomenon of die failure, the plastic mould can produce wear failure, partial deformation failure and fracture failure during service. The important failure forms of plastic mould can be divided into wear failure, local plastic deformation failure and fracture failure.


Requirements for the performance of plastic mould steel:

With the rapid development of the manufacturing industry, plastic mould is an indispensable tool in plastic molding processing, and the proportion of the total mold output increases year by year. With the development and continuous production of high-performance plastics, the variety of plastic products is increasing day by day. Continuous expansion of the use of products to precision, large-scale, complex development. With the development of high-speed molding production, the working conditions of mould are becoming more and more complex.


  1. Wear and corrosion of cavity surface

The plastic melt flows in the mold cavity under a certain pressure, and the solidified plastic parts come out of the mould, which cause friction and wear on the molding surface of the mould. The root cause of plastic die wear failure is the friction between mould and material. Аднак, the specific form and process of wear are related to many factors, such as the pressure, тэмпература, deformation speed and lubrication of the die. When the material and heat treatment used in the plastic mould are unreasonable, the surface hardness of the mold cavity is low and the wear resistance is poor, which is shown as follows: the dimension of the cavity surface is too bad due to wear and deformation, the roughness value becomes higher because of the drawing and the surface quality deteriorates. Especially when the solid material enters the mold cavity, it will aggravate the wear of the cavity surface. У дадатак, when plastics are processed, chlorine, fluorine and other components are heated to decompose the corrosive gas HC1 / HF, which causes corrosion and wear on the surface of plastic mold cavity, resulting in failure. The corrosion process will be accelerated if the coating or other protective layer on the cavity surface is damaged. The interaction of two kinds of damage accelerates the corrosion-wear failure.


  1. Plastic deformation failure


The plastic mold cavity surface is compressed and heated can cause plastic deformation failure, especially when the small die works on the large tonnage equipment, it is easy to produce overload plastic deformation. The strength and toughness of the materials used in the plastic mold are insufficient, and the deformation resistance is low. Another reason for the failure of plastic deformation is that the hardening layer on the surface of the mold cavity is too thin, the deformation resistance is insufficient or the working temperature is higher than the tempering temperature, which results in phase transformation and softening. And make mold early failure.


  1. fracture


The main reason of fracture is the structural stress, thermal stress or insufficient tempering caused by the structure and temperature difference. The residual austenite is transformed into martensite at service temperature, which results in local volume expansion. The structure of the mold is caused by stress. The working conditions of plastic dies are different from those of cold stamping dies. Наогул, they have to work at 150 ℃ -200 ℃. Besides being subjected to certain pressure, they also have to bear the influence of temperature. Multiple failure forms may occur in the same mould, and multiple damages may occur even in the same mould. From the failure form of plastic mould, it is very important to select the plastic mould material and heat treatment reasonably, because they are directly related to the service life of the mould. Таму, the following requirements shall be met for plastics mould steel:


1) resistance to effect of heat

With the emergence of high-speed molding machinery, plastic products speed up. Because the molding temperature is between 200 ℃ and 350 ℃, if the plastic flow is not good and the forming speed is fast, the surface temperature of part of the mould will exceed 400 ℃ in a very short time. In order to ensure the precision and deformation of die, die steel should have high heat resistance.


2)Sufficient wear resistance

As the use of plastic products expands, inorganic materials such as fiberglass are often added to plastics to enhance plasticity. Because of the addition of additives, the fluidity of plastics is greatly reduced, leading to wear and tear of moulds. Таму, it is required to have good wear resistance.


3) Excellent machinability

In order to prolong the service life of the cutting tool , the working life of the cutting tool can be prolonged , and the machining hardening is small in the cutting process . In order to avoid the deformation of the mould , the precision is affected , and it is hoped that the residual stress can be controlled to a minimum .


4) Good thermal stability

The parts of plastic injection mould are often complicated and difficult to be processed after quenching, so the materials with good thermal stability should be chosen as far as possible.


5)Mirror processing performance

The surface of the cavity is smooth, the shaping surface is required to be polished into a mirror, and the surface roughness is lower than Ra0.4 μ m, so as to ensure the appearance of the plastic pressed parts and facilitate the demoulding.


6)Heat treatment property

In the mold failure accident, the accident caused by heat treatment is generally 52.3, so the heat treatment occupies an important position in the whole mold manufacturing process, and the quality of the mould is greatly affected by the heat treatment process. It is generally required that the heat treatment deformation is small, the quenching temperature range is wide, the overheating sensitivity is small, especially the hardenability and hardenability.


7) Corrosion resistance

Corrosion gas may be released during the forming process to decompose corrosive gas, such as HC1HF corrosion die, which sometimes rusts and damages the die at the air channel opening, so the die steel is required to have good corrosion resistance.

Аб Джэйсан Молд Industrial Company Limited

Jasonmould - вытворца пластыкавых формаў- ліццёвая форма, формы для ліцця пад ціскам, фармаванне пластыкам, ратацыйнае ліццё, Вызначэнне і развіццё прэс-формы, ліццё пад ціскам пластыка з двума стрэламі, ўстаўка ліццё, ліццё пад ціскам, ліццё пад ціскам металу, мікра ліццё пад ціскам, ліццё парашка, ліццё пад кераміку, ліццё пад ціскам вадкасці, ліццё з лайка, бытавая цвіль, форма для ліцця, інструмент для прэс -формы, нестандартныя формы, фарфоры для фарфору, хуткае стварэнне прататыпаў, інструменты для прататыпавання пластыка, інструмент для прабівання прэса, матрыца і інструменты для дэталяў мабільнага тэлефона/ мабільнага тэлефона, аўтамабільныя запчасткі, пыласосы, акумулятарныя інструменты, тэлефоны, ксераксы, кампутары, мультымедыйныя калонкі, і многія іншыя электронныя вырабы і бытавая тэхніка. А таксама вытворца пластыкавых вырабаў- пластыкавыя дэталі, пластыкавы бак для вады, пластыкавыя шары, пластыкавыя кантэйнеры, пластыкавая спражка, якар з пластыка, пластыкавая вешалка, пластыкавая лыжка, пластыкавы фітынг труб, пластыкавы кавалак, пластыкавы посуд, пластыкавыя шкляначкі, пластыкавыя бутэлькі, пластыкавы латок, пластыкавы касметычны кантэйнер, пластыкавы корпус, пластыкавы кантэйнер для ежы, пластыкавыя крэслы, пластыкавыя каўпачкі, пластыкавы каўпачок, пластыкавыя трубкі, пластыкавыя водаправодныя трубы, пластыкавыя ручкі, пластыкавыя трубкі, пластыкавыя скрыні для гаспадарчых машын, пластыкавыя стойкі і гэтак далей.

Кантактная асоба: Джэймс Юань
Назва кампаніі: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Адрас: Вёска LongGang,Горад LongXi,Акруга БоЛуо,Горад Хуэйчжоу,Правінцыя Гуандун, Кітай
Тэлефон: 86-752-6682869
Электронная пошта: [email protected]
Вэб -сайт: https://www.jasonmolding.com

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