Pembicaraan singkat tentang ide pemrosesan cetakan

Huizhou Dj moulding telah berfokus pada pemrosesan cetakan dan pembuatan cetakan selama bertahun-tahun. Ini adalah pemimpin dalam industri pengolahan cetakan. Kami memiliki peralatan canggih, teknologi pemrosesan yang unik dan dukungan dari beberapa teknisi. Kami memiliki kekuatan yang kuat. We welcome major customers to consult and rush to buy.

Apa arah pengembangan pemrosesan cetakan??

Apa ide yang tepat??

Apakah pabrik cetakan kecil dan menengah membutuhkan sistem manajemen??

Apa itu otomatisasi pembuatan cetakan??

Are these problems perplexing the bosses and managers of many mold enterprises?

This mold has long been known as the mother of industry. Namun, with the rapid change of products and the emergence of the demand for personality, it becomes faster and more subdivided. Mold manufacturing is more polarized. How to make a good mold. Maintain product design quality and cost competition.

The following is an analysis from three aspects:

1、 The core of mold manufacturing is mold programming

It determines the manufacturing method and processing style of the mold. A good programmer is also a good craftsman. The original processing method was replaced by advanced equipment. How to do a good job needs to be improved from the following points:

1. NC program standardization, software and processing strategy.

2. Establish benchmarks for processing automation.

3. Cam design standard and machining standardization parameters.

4. Adapt to their own library concept and virtual library.

5. Establish simulation.

6. Establish secondary development, intelligent programming and fine manufacturing.

2、 Mold manufacturing tooling system

This is not only the skeleton of the processing mold, but also the carrier of the processing parts. The stability and accuracy of die manufacturing tooling system determine the quality of die. Saat sekarang, elova and 3R systems are mostly used. Namun, many processing methods need to be developed on this basis to use their own products. Take the elova system as an example.

1. Users need to understand its design principles.

2. During use, special personnel shall be assigned to arrange maintenance and spot inspection maintenance.

3. It can change the systematic error of part processing data in time.

3、 Mold automation

Hari ini, many people are talking about industry 4.0. Namun, for the intelligent manufacturing of molds, the progress is slow. The reason for this is non prosecution. How to realize mold automation.

1. Self developed or imported mold manufacturing management system, often referred to as MES. But this is not a logistics system. Communication with processing equipment is necessary. Control and management of equipment.

2. In the early stage, it is necessary to establish all aspects of standardization, such as the standardization of design parts, cam parameters, electrodes, dll., as well as the standardization of the names of the included parts.

3. Integration of equipment data and CAM data. 3D calibration and data processing of parts.

4. Select tool system and data management carrier.

5. Establish compound AutomationPipeline + unit.

No matter what the development mode of mold processing is, standardization, automation and informatization are the basis and must be done. Only by gradually improving the foundation can we develop.



Ini membutuhkan akurasi simulasi yang tinggi dan tidak ada deformasi, Ltd

Dj Cetakan adalah pembuat cetakan Cina dari cetakan plastik- cetakan injeksi, cetakan die casting, cetakan tiup plastik, cetakan rotasi, medis cetakan injeksi plastik, dua tembakan cetakan injeksi plastik, masukkan cetakan, overmolding, cetakan injeksi logam, cetakan injeksi mikro, cetakan injeksi bubuk, cetakan injeksi keramik, cetakan injeksi cair, cetakan injeksi husky, cetakan rumah tangga, pengecoran cetakan, alat cetakan mati, cetakan khusus, cetakan cina, perkakas prototipe cepat rapid, perkakas prototipe plastik plastic, perkakas tekan pukulan, mati dan perkakas untuk bagian ponsel / ponsel cell, bagian otomotif, penyedot debu, alat isi ulang, telepon, mesin fotokopi, komputer, speaker multimedia, dan banyak produk elektronik dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya. Dan juga produsen produk plastik, produsen cetakan Cina- bagian-bagian yang terbuat dari plastik, tangki air plastik, bola plastik, wadah plastik, gesper plastik, jangkar plastik, gantungan plastik, sendok plastik, pemasangan pipa plastik, gelas plastik, peralatan makan plastik, gelas plastik, botol-botol plastik, nampan plastik, wadah kosmetik plastik, kotak plastik, wadah makanan plastik, kursi plastik, tutup plastik, penutupan tutup plastik, tabung plastik, pipa air plastik, kenop plastik, tabung plastik, kotak utilitas plastik, rak plastik dan sebagainya.

Orang: James Yuan
Perusahaan: Huizhou Dj Moulding Company Limited
Menambahkan: Desa LongGang,Kota LongXi,Kabupaten BoLuo,Kota HuiZhou,Provinsi Guangdong, Cina
Telp: 86-752-6682869
Surel: [email protected]


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