Prospek Industri Manufaktur Cetakan China

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, ketika orang membeli barang, mereka tertawa saat melihat Made in China. Di Tiongkok, Pesatnya perkembangan manufaktur cetakan tidak lepas dari perkembangan industri manufaktur China. Sama seperti ikan tidak bisa tanpa air, hanya industri manufaktur China yang berkembang, industri pembuatan cetakan akan mengikuti pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, perkembangan industri cetakan semakin mendapat perhatian . Some people say that the mould manufacturing industry is out of date, but there are also some people say that a group of founders will continue to emerge.

pembuatan cetakan

In people’s eyes, mould manufacturing is constantly concerned, in the electronic, mobil, motor, instrument and other communications products, 60%~80% parts and components to rely on moulding. Sebagai contoh, we use computers, computer shells are made of mold, computer keyboard is also. Sebagai contoh, medical needle tube, medical instrument shell and so on all come from the mould, first sell computer to buy a set of computer shell mould, and then make production, a set of mould can produce tens of millions of computer shells, of course the mould also has lifetime.


It is understood that in recent years, along with the rapid expansion of manufacturing production base to China, the rapid upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry has led to the accelerated development of the mould industry. Although the total amount of mould production in China is now third in the world, the competitiveness of our mould industry is not strong because of the lack of independent brand in the international market competition, which is very bad for the development of China’s mould industry in the global economic market. Insiders point out that the main problems the mould industry facing are to improve the competitiveness and build the independent brand of the mould industry in our country.


Tentang JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:

JasonMould Industrial Company Limited adalah perusahaan terkemuka produsen cetakan injeksi plastik Di Tiongkok. Perusahaan telah didirikan pada tahun 2010. Perusahaan telah membuat reputasi sebagai salah satu produsen cetakan plastik terbaik di Cina. Mereka hebat dalam membuat peralatan medis, peralatan, peralatan elektronik dan bahkan peralatan keselamatan.

Untuk lebih lanjut tentang produsen kustom produk cetakan plastik,silahkan kunjungi

Pertanyaan Hubungi:

Kontak person: James Yuan

Nama Perusahaan: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Alamat: Desa LongGang,Kota LongXi,Kabupaten BoLuo,Kota HuiZhou,Provinsi Guangdong, Cina

Telepon: 86-752-6682869

Surel: [email protected]

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