Kinerja material sangat penting dalam proses pemrosesan cetakan injeksi injection

Dalam proses produk pengolahan cetakan injeksi, bahan memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam penampilan dan kinerja cetakan produk, jadi memilih bahan yang tepat sangat penting untuk produk. Mari kita perkenalkan materi PA6 hari ini.

Cetakan injeksi_ Ilmu Material

Bahan PA6 banyak digunakan di bagian struktural dan memiliki ketahanan aus yang baik. Karena titik lelehnya yang rendah, rentang suhu proses sangat lebar. Resistensi dampaknya, resistensi kelarutan dan higroskopisitas lebih baik dari PA66.

Under the injection molding process conditions, PA6 needs to be dried, so special attention should be paid to the drying before processing. If the material is suitable for waterproof products, it is necessary to keep closed management. If the humidity is higher than 0.2%, it is recommended to dry above 80 ℃ for 16h. If the material has been exposed to air for more than 8h, vacuum drying at 105 ℃ for more than 8h is recommended.

Injection mold workshop

In the production of PA6 materials, attention should be paid to the mold temperature of injection mold processing: because the mold temperature can obviously affect the crystallinity, which in turn affects the characteristics of the product, the crystallinity is very important for structural parts, so it is recommended that the mold temperature be 80 ~ 90 ℃. For thin-walled products with long process, higher die temperature is recommended. Increasing the mold temperature can improve the strength of the product, but it will reduce the toughness. If the wall thickness is greater than 3mm, it is recommended to use 20 ~ 40 ℃ low temperature die. For glass fiber reinforced materials, the mold temperature should be higher than 80 ℃.

Injection mold_ Gate treatment

Injection mold processing mold runner and gate: because PA6 solidification time is very short, so the gate position is very important. The gate diameter should not be less than 0.5T. If hot runner is used, the gate size should be smaller than that of conventional runner, because hot runner can help prevent premature solidification of material. If submerged gate is used, the minimum diameter of gate should be 0.75mm.

From the above point of view, the injection mold processing products, each material has different characteristics, we combine all aspects of the conditions in the injection molding process to produce, in order to produce products that meet the requirements. If you want to know more about technology, you can log in to the official website ofJasonMould. There are detailed technical encyclopedias for your reference. We are looking forward to your visit!


Tentang JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Jasonmould adalah pembuat cetakan Cina dari cetakan plastik- cetakan injeksi, cetakan die casting, cetakan tiup plastik, cetakan rotasi, medis cetakan injeksi plastik, dua tembakan cetakan injeksi plastik, masukkan cetakan, overmolding, cetakan injeksi logam, cetakan injeksi mikro, cetakan injeksi bubuk, cetakan injeksi keramik, cetakan injeksi cair, cetakan injeksi husky, cetakan rumah tangga, pengecoran cetakan, alat cetakan mati, cetakan khusus, cetakan cina, perkakas prototipe cepat rapid, perkakas prototipe plastik plastic, perkakas tekan pukulan, mati dan perkakas untuk bagian ponsel / ponsel cell, bagian otomotif, penyedot debu, alat isi ulang, telepon, mesin fotokopi, komputer, speaker multimedia, dan banyak produk elektronik dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya. Dan juga produsen produk plastik, produsen cetakan Cina- bagian-bagian yang terbuat dari plastik, tangki air plastik, bola plastik, wadah plastik, gesper plastik, jangkar plastik, gantungan plastik, sendok plastik, pemasangan pipa plastik, gelas plastik, peralatan makan plastik, gelas plastik, botol-botol plastik, nampan plastik, wadah kosmetik plastik, kotak plastik, wadah makanan plastik, kursi plastik, tutup plastik, penutupan tutup plastik, tabung plastik, pipa air plastik, kenop plastik, tabung plastik, kotak utilitas plastik, rak plastik dan sebagainya.

Orang: James Yuan
Perusahaan: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Menambahkan: Desa LongGang,Kota LongXi,Kabupaten BoLuo,Kota HuiZhou,Provinsi Guangdong, Cina
Telp: 86-752-6682869
Surel: [email protected]


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