Dengan penggunaan umum produk plastik, pasar cetakan injeksi plastik juga mengantar musim semi baru. Produk plastik terlihat serupa di permukaan, tapi kualitasnya dalam seribu cara. Orang-orang terus berinovasi dalam teknologi pembuatan cetakan plastik, perusahaan cetakan injeksi plastik otomotif. Faktanya, perusahaan cetakan injeksi plastik otomotif. perusahaan cetakan injeksi plastik otomotif, but also need to ensure the quality of the purchase.

Today we will tell you some factors that influenced the quotation of plastic injection molding:

  1. The size and the features of shape, which determined the structure of mold product, are directly related to the cost.
  2. The requirement of different precision on surface quality cost different.
  3. The amount of mold cavities be used, relating how many products can be manufactured at one time. This option is usually for the small size products.
  4. The expected production, deciding what kind of materials will be used.

In terms of reducing the cost, no one will get only one quotation from one company, it is worth shopping around to choose a cost-effective company. JasonMould Industrial Company Limited adalah seorang profesional perusahaan cetakan injeksi plastik cina untuk Pencetakan 3D Layanan Prototipe Cepat Rapid, layanan penggilingan CNC presisi dan kustom layanan permesinan CNC, custom plastic injection molding company with mold and dies development and manufacturing. Offering you the ability to get products to market quickly and in a cost effective manner.

If you want a specific quotation, it is very necessary to provide a 3D drawing of your product, and then we can calculate the nearest approximation of cost. Kami akan mencocokkan tingkat kecanggihan Anda pada proyek apa pun. Apakah Anda ingin memenuhi toleransi kualitas tertinggi atau menghemat uang dan mendapatkan produk yang diproduksi sesegera mungkin. Staf kami akan bekerja sepanjang waktu untuk menyiapkan produk Anda ke pasar.

Orang: James Yuan
Perusahaan: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Menambahkan: Desa LongGang,Kota LongXi,Kabupaten BoLuo,Kota HuiZhou,Provinsi Guangdong, Cina
Telp: 86-752-6682869
Surel: [email protected]



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