Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengontrol kualitas cetakan plastik??

Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengontrol kualitas cetakan plastik?! Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengontrol kualitas cetakan plastik?, Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengontrol kualitas cetakan plastik?. Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengontrol kualitas cetakan plastik? 10 Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengontrol kualitas cetakan plastik?, Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengontrol kualitas cetakan plastik?, it is also necessary to strictly control each link in the production process of plastic mold, so as to improve the overall quality of plastic mold. Secara khusus, we can control it from the following steps:

1. Classified management of product data, process data and drawing files

Effective classification management of product data management, process data management and drawing documents can ensure the completeness of data and documents and the consistency of drawing versions, so that drawings can be effectively shared and queried. It can establish a complete file and drawing management database, and sort and file the 2D and 3D design drawings accumulated by the design department according to the original and modified drawings.

2. Keep the consistency and integrity of mold drawings, processing technology and physical data

Through effective, meticulous and strict detection means, the consistency and integrity of die drawing, processing technology and physical data can be ensured.
3. Application of overall management

Plan, desain, processing flow, workshop production status, human resource allocation and other information are effectively integrated for overall management, sehingga dapat secara efektif mengoordinasikan perencanaan dan produksi, and ensure mold quality and delivery time.

4. Develop a complete mold production management system

Develop a set of complete mold production management system, realize the information management system of product data, memproses manajemen data, plan management and schedule management of mold production management process, including mold production plan formulation, desain cetakan, formulasi proses, penugasan tugas bengkel dan inspeksi produk, manajemen Gudang, dll., so as to make mold manufacturing and relevant auxiliary information from plan formulation to completion The delivery can realize all-round tracking management.

5. Establish quality inspection department control process

Strictly standardize the quality inspection process, eliminate thealmostfluke mentality, and ensure the accuracy of each standard part processed by the mold. Effective control of mold quality.

6. Establish mold project management and control process

Set up the communication and supervision bridge between customers and all departments of the company, carry out detailed affairs and technical communication, fully understand the technical requirements of customers, record, summarize and accurately convey the communication content, avoid repeated mold test, modification and rework, and save cost and time. Gradually establish customer business and technical databases for each customer, and share them within the company, so as to improve customer service level and reduce unnecessary errors.

With the gradual saturation of the plastic mold market, hundreds of new technology start-ups have flooded into the plastic mold market, the market demand is smaller and smaller, and the functional requirements and personalized service requirements for products are higher and higher. In addition to technological innovation and breakthrough, the quality requirements for all aspects of products are more stringent. It also promotes the reform of the whole traditional manufacturing industry. As the mother of the industry, mold manufacturing faces both opportunities and challenges. Only by improving, introducing advanced equipment, and implementing a more perfect management system. In order to have a place in the competition.



Tentang JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Jasonmould adalah pembuat cetakan Cina dari cetakan plastik- cetakan injeksi, cetakan die casting, cetakan tiup plastik, cetakan rotasi, medis cetakan injeksi plastik, dua tembakan cetakan injeksi plastik, masukkan cetakan, overmolding, cetakan injeksi logam, cetakan injeksi mikro, cetakan injeksi bubuk, cetakan injeksi keramik, cetakan injeksi cair, cetakan injeksi husky, cetakan rumah tangga, pengecoran cetakan, alat cetakan mati, cetakan khusus, cetakan cina, perkakas prototipe cepat rapid, perkakas prototipe plastik plastic, perkakas tekan pukulan, mati dan perkakas untuk bagian ponsel / ponsel cell, bagian otomotif, penyedot debu, alat isi ulang, telepon, mesin fotokopi, komputer, speaker multimedia, dan banyak produk elektronik dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya. Dan juga produsen produk plastik, produsen cetakan Cina- bagian-bagian yang terbuat dari plastik, tangki air plastik, bola plastik, wadah plastik, gesper plastik, jangkar plastik, gantungan plastik, sendok plastik, pemasangan pipa plastik, gelas plastik, peralatan makan plastik, gelas plastik, botol-botol plastik, nampan plastik, wadah kosmetik plastik, kotak plastik, wadah makanan plastik, kursi plastik, tutup plastik, penutupan tutup plastik, tabung plastik, pipa air plastik, kenop plastik, tabung plastik, kotak utilitas plastik, rak plastik dan sebagainya.

Orang: James Yuan
Perusahaan: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Menambahkan: Desa LongGang,Kota LongXi,Kabupaten BoLuo,Kota HuiZhou,Provinsi Guangdong, Cina
Telp: 86-752-6682869
Surel: [email protected]

Situs: https://www.jasonmolding.com/custom-injection-molding/

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