Mengapa waktu pengiriman cetakan injeksi sulit dikendalikan??

Ada banyak faktor yang sulit dikendalikan dalam keseluruhan proses produksi dan pembuatan cetakan injeksi, di antaranya masalah pengiriman cetakan injeksi adalah titik yang lebih sulit untuk dikendalikan, so what causes the difficult control of the delivery of injection mold?

Mingyang Yutong focuses on precision mold manufacturing for more than ten years

1. Pertama, the customer’s order information has not been finalized, and the contract and design changes frequently.

2. Injection mold is a customized product, and the delivery time of injection mold is related to the confirmation time of mold drawing. If the confirmation of mold drawing is not timely, the delivery time will be delayed.

3. Dalam kasus khusus, if there are many urgent orders inserted, the normal production order will be disrupted.

4. The supplier’s cooperation and required materials cannot be in place in time. It is also one of the common reasons for delayed delivery.

5. The unreasonable control of injection mold project will also delay the project.

6. Production quality problems, scrap, rework, memperbaiki, dll. This will waste a lot of human and material resources and financial resources.

All of the above are important factors that may delay the delivery. We must do a good job in project management and control after receiving the order. Give full consideration to come up with another detailed plan. Dalam proses produksi, we should also make plans in time. Do a good job in project planning and believe that the on-time performance of the delivery time of the injection mold factory is greatly improved.



Tentang JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Jasonmould adalah pembuat cetakan Cina dari cetakan plastik- cetakan injeksi, cetakan die casting, cetakan tiup plastik, cetakan rotasi, medis cetakan injeksi plastik, dua tembakan cetakan injeksi plastik, masukkan cetakan, overmolding, cetakan injeksi logam, cetakan injeksi mikro, cetakan injeksi bubuk, cetakan injeksi keramik, cetakan injeksi cair, cetakan injeksi husky, cetakan rumah tangga, pengecoran cetakan, alat cetakan mati, cetakan khusus, cetakan cina, perkakas prototipe cepat rapid, perkakas prototipe plastik plastic, perkakas tekan pukulan, mati dan perkakas untuk bagian ponsel / ponsel cell, bagian otomotif, penyedot debu, alat isi ulang, telepon, mesin fotokopi, komputer, speaker multimedia, dan banyak produk elektronik dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya. Dan juga produsen produk plastik, produsen cetakan Cina- bagian-bagian yang terbuat dari plastik, tangki air plastik, bola plastik, wadah plastik, gesper plastik, jangkar plastik, gantungan plastik, sendok plastik, pemasangan pipa plastik, gelas plastik, peralatan makan plastik, gelas plastik, botol-botol plastik, nampan plastik, wadah kosmetik plastik, kotak plastik, wadah makanan plastik, kursi plastik, tutup plastik, penutupan tutup plastik, tabung plastik, pipa air plastik, kenop plastik, tabung plastik, kotak utilitas plastik, rak plastik dan sebagainya.

Orang: James Yuan
Perusahaan: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Menambahkan: Desa LongGang,Kota LongXi,Kabupaten BoLuo,Kota HuiZhou,Provinsi Guangdong, Cina
Telp: 86-752-6682869
Surel: [email protected]


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