Pentru a preveni găsirea și corectarea la timp a problemelor cauzate de inconsecvența datelor și a desenelor non-standard

Pentru a preveni găsirea și corectarea la timp a problemelor cauzate de inconsecvența datelor și a desenelor non-standard. Pentru a preveni găsirea și corectarea la timp a problemelor cauzate de inconsecvența datelor și a desenelor non-standard. De exemplu, Pentru a preveni găsirea și corectarea la timp a problemelor cauzate de inconsecvența datelor și a desenelor non-standard, matriță de forjare pentru prelucrarea metalelor sub presiune, moare rece și așa mai departe.

Cerința generală a matriței este că poate produce produse publice care îndeplinesc cerințele de precizie dimensională, aspect, physical properties and so on. From the angle of mould use, it requires high efficiency and simple automatic operation, and from the angle of mould manufacture, it requires reasonable structure, easy manufacture and low cost.

The mold affects the quality of the product. Primul, the shape, mărimea, finisarea suprafeței, finisarea suprafeței, the position of the gate and the exhaust groove and the mode of demoulding, as well as the physical properties of the parts, the mechanical properties, the electrical performance, the internal stress size, the isotropy, the appearance quality, the surface finish, the bubble, si asa mai departe. Indentation, scorching, and silvery are very important. și există o mulțime de fenomene de măsurare aleatoare în întreprinderile autohtone, in the process of processing, the structure of the mold has a great influence on the operation. In the mass production of plastic products, it is necessary to minimize the opening of the mould, the process of closing the mould and the manual labor in the process of taking the parts. It is also necessary to ensure that the products can be automatically removed from the mold. în plus, the mold has an impact on the cost of the products. When the batch is not large, the cost of the mold will be very large in the cost of the parts. În acest moment, a reasonable and simple mold should be used as much as possible to reduce the cost.

In modern production, reasonable processing technology, efficient equipment and advanced mould are three essential factors, especially the mold plays an important role in realizing the requirement of material processing, the application requirement of plastic parts and the modeling design. Efficient automatic equipment can play its role only if the mould can be automatically produced. The production and renewal of the products are based on the manufacturing and updating of the mould. Because of the great demand for product variety and production, the mould is required more and more. Prin urmare, to promote the continuous development of the mold.


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