Ceea ce cauzează o injecție scurtă de matriță de plastic în turnarea prin injecție?

Lovitură scurtă se referă la fenomenul conform căruia cavitatea matriței de plastic nu este complet umplută din cauza fluidității insuficiente a plasticului., rezultând produse din plastic incomplete. Motivul principal este presiunea și viteza de injecție necorespunzătoare (inclusiv pierderea excesivă de presiune cauzată de rezistență), care este afectată în principal de următoarele aspecte:


1、 Mașină de turnat prin injecție

(1) Capacitate insuficientă de turnare prin injecție – acest lucru este cauzat de capacitatea mare a mașinii de turnat prin injecție, which may also be caused by insufficient plasticizing capacity or insufficient injection quantity. The insufficient plasticizing capacity can be increased by prolonging heating time, increasing screw speed and increasing back pressure. If the injection volume is not high enough, a larger injection machine can be used to solve the problem.


2、 Improper design of plastic mould

(1) Local short shot caused by flow imbalance in each cavity of a multi cavity mold – when the injection molding capacity of the injection molding machine is sufficient, this defect is mainly caused by the uneven flow in each gate, acesta este, the uneven distribution of the cavity in the plastic mold.

(2) The flow range of the melt is too long and the flow resistance is too large. The parts that hinder the melt flow include nozzle, Poartă, runner and the thin wall of the product. By increasing the nozzle diameter / temperature and using the nozzle with small flow resistance, the flow resistance of the nozzle can be reduced.

(3) Poor exhaust. When filling the cavity, air is trapped to produce a reaction force. When the melt is injected into the cavity, the cavity is closed by the melt from the beginning, and the air is trapped in the unfilled local area. În mod similar, due to the high filling speed, sometimes the air does not have enough time to discharge from the plastic mold through the parting surface, but is compressed, resulting in some unfilled areas in the cavity, thus shortening the production time of the molded parts.


3、 Improper molding process

(1) Improper injection molding processlow barrel temperature, slow injection speed, short injection time and insufficient back pressure lead to plastic shortage.

(2) Excess supply of plastic – if too much plastic enters the barrel, the injection pressure is lost due to the compression of the particles, which reduces the pressure required to inject the melt from the nozzle, which is necessary for injection molding, resulting in insufficient injection pressure. The solution is to adjust the feed rate, adică. melting rate, and make it just suitable for molding.

(3) Unstable production cycle: frequent machine shutdown and production inconsistent with normal cycle make some plastics stay in the barrel for a long time, resulting in the reduction of density and viscosity, resulting in short shot.

(4) Improper mold temperature results in lower injection rate and plastic filling.


4、 Choice of plastics

(1) Poor fluidity of plasticsif the plastic material does not have a high fluidity, it solidifies before reaching the furthest end of the cavity or before flowing into the overflow tank, which usually results in insufficient jet flow.

In order to eliminate these defects, the melt / mold temperature and injection pressure / velocity can be increased to make the melt reach the end of the cavity before solidification. În acest caz, large plastic fluidity is particularly important, so choosing a plastic with good fluidity is also a solution. If the flow coverage is too long and the plastic does not fill the injection molding part correctly, it is recommended to change the gate location to reduce the plastic flow.


5、 Improper product design

In the process of product design, the principle of uniform wall thickness must be followed. If the uniform wall thickness cannot be maintained, please change the plastic mold design in time. Increase the number of flow channels or ribs in areas where feeding is difficult, so as to avoid the defect of insufficient filling due to too thin wall thickness.

În scurt, there are many reasons for short shot, which restrict and influence each other. In order to reduce and correct this defect, we need to comprehensively consider the relationship between these aspects, constantly practice and accumulate experience, so as to quickly determine the reasons for insufficient filling, so as to reduce the waste of resources and increase the production of products.


Despre JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Jasonmould este un Producător de mucegai din China a matrițelor din plastic- matriță de injecție, matrițe de turnare sub presiune, turnare prin suflare din plastic, turnare prin rotație, medical turnare prin injecție a plasticului, doi împușcați turnare prin injecție a plasticului, turnare cu inserție, supraformare, turnare prin injecție a metalelor, turnare prin injecție micro, turnare prin injecție cu pulbere, turnare prin injecție ceramică, turnare prin injecție de lichid, turnare prin injecție husky, mucegai de uz casnic, mucegai de turnare, unealtă pentru matriță, matrite la comanda, mucegaiuri din china, scule de prototipare rapidă, scule de prototipare din plastic, scule de presare, matriță și scule pentru piese de telefon mobil / mobil, piese auto, aspiratoare, instrumente reîncărcabile, telefoane, copiatoare, calculatoare, difuzoare multimedia, și multe alte produse electronice și electrocasnice. Și, de asemenea, un producător de produse din plastic, producător de mucegai China- componente de plastic, rezervor de apă din plastic, bile de plastic, containere de plastic, cataramă din plastic, ancoră din plastic, cuier din plastic, lingura de plastic, racord de țevi din plastic, cadere din plastic, Veselă din plastic, pahare de plastic, sticle de plastic, tava de plastic, recipient pentru cosmetice din plastic, Cutie de plastic, recipient de plastic pentru alimente, scaune din plastic, capace din plastic, închidere capac plastic, tuburi din plastic, conducte de apă din plastic, butoane din plastic, tuburi din plastic, cutii utilitare din plastic, rafturi din plastic și așa mai departe.

a lua legatura:
Persoană: James Yuan
Companie: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Adăuga: Satul LongGang,Orașul LongXi,Județul BoLuo,Orașul HuiZhou,Provincia Guangdong, China
Tel: 86-752-6682869
E-mail: [email protected]

Site: https://www.jasonmolding.com/custom-injection-molding/



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