Hvor meget ved du om opløsningen af ​​slangestrømningsmærke i sprøjtestøbningsprocessen?

I processen med sprøjtestøbning, det er nemt at have slangestrømningsmærker og andre ugunstige problemer. Serpentine flowmærke henviser til den uregelmæssige flowlinje med port som midten på pc-produkter. Forskellig fra “fingeraftryk” linje, the turbulent flow mark appears along the material flow direction rather than perpendicular to the material flow direction.

The reason for its formation may be that the melt injected into the mold cavity is greatly impacted, resulting in negative and smooth flow in the cold mold.

In terms of injection molding technology, the main methods to solve snake flow marks are as follows:

1. Increase the melt temperature to reduce the premature cooling of the melt;

2. Raise the mold temperature, especially the temperature at the part with turbulent flow mark, so as to prevent the melt from sliding due to premature cooling in the mold cavity;

Injection molding multi-stage injection setting

3. Multi stage injection is adopted to reduce the injection rate and injection pressure at the position with turbulent flow marks;

There are several solutions for mold technology:

1. Change the gate position to change the flow mode of molten material;

2. Increase the cold material trap to prevent the cold material from sliding in the die. It is mainly to set a large enough cold material bag to remove the air flow in the mold cavity during filling, and add a cold material bag at the end of filling to lead out the filling air flow.

Dj Mold to the snake flow mark problem in the process of product injection molding is shared here. If you want to know more about processing technology, you can enter the official website of Dj Mold, where there are detailed technical Encyclopedia for you to query. Welcome to visit!



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Person: James Yuan
Selskab: Huizhou Dj Molding Industrial Company Limited
Tilføje: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong-provinsen, Kina
Tlf: 86-752-6682869
E-mail: [email protected]

Websted: https://www.jasonmolding.com/custom-injection-molding/

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