Hvordan man løser problemet med flowmærker på overfladen af ​​sprøjtestøbte produkter?

Flowmærke er en almindelig udseendefejl på sprøjtestøbte produkter. Det vil have stor indflydelse på produktionen, så hvordan løses det? Lad os nu tale om, hvordan man løser problemet med strømningsmærker på overfladen af ​​sprøjtestøbte produkter?

Fejlanalyse og fejlfinding
1. Den dårlige strøm af smeltet materiale fører til det årlige ringformede krusningsmærke centreret på porten på overfladen af ​​plastikdele. It can be adopted to increase the temperature of the mold and nozzle, increase the injection rate and filling speed, and increase the injection pressure and pressure maintaining and boosting time. A heater can also be set at the gate to increase the local temperature at the gate. The gate and runner area can also be appropriately expanded, and the gate and runner section is preferably circular, which can obtain the best mold filling. Imidlertid, if the gate is set in the weak area of the plastic part, the square section shall be adopted. Ud over, a large cold hole shall be set at the bottom of the injection port and the end of the diversion channel. The greater the influence of the material temperature on the flow performance of the molten material, the more attention shall be paid to the size of the cold hole. The position of the cold hole must be set at the end of the molten material along the flow direction of the injection port.
2. The unsmooth flow of molten material in the flow channel leads to spiral wave flow marks on the surface of plastic parts. When the molten material flows from the narrow section of the flow channel into the mold cavity with large section or the mold flow channel is narrow and the finish is very poor, the material flow is easy to form turbulence, resulting in the formation of spiral wave flow on the surface of the plastic part. I denne forbindelse, the injection speed can be appropriately reduced or the injection speed can be controlled slowly, quickly and slowly. The gate of the mold shall be set at the thick wall part or directly at the wall side. The gate shall preferably be in the form of handle, fan or diaphragm. The runner and gate section can also be appropriately expanded to reduce the material flow resistance.
3. Volatile gas causes cloud like ripple flow marks on the surface of plastic parts. When ABS or other copolymer resin raw materials are used, if the processing temperature is high, the volatile gas produced by the resin and lubricant will cause cloud like ripple flow marks on the surface of plastic parts. I denne forbindelse, it is necessary to properly reduce the temperature of the mold and barrel, improve the exhaust conditions of the mold, reduce the material temperature and mold filling rate, appropriately expand the gate section, and consider changing the lubricant variety or reducing its dosage.
The above is the fault analysis and troubleshooting methods listed on how to solve the flow marks on the surface of injection molded products. I hope it will bring you harvest.



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du kan logge ind på Dj moldings officielle hjemmeside Kina mold maker af plastforme- sprøjtestøbeform, formstøbning forme, plastblæsestøbning, rotationsstøbning, medicinsk plast sprøjtestøbning, to skud plast sprøjtestøbning, indsatsstøbning, overformning, metal sprøjtestøbning, mikro sprøjtestøbning, pulverformsprøjtning, keramisk sprøjtestøbning, flydende sprøjtestøbning, husky sprøjtestøbning, husholdningsskimmel, støbeform, formværktøj, brugerdefinerede forme, porcelæn forme, værktøj til hurtig prototyping, værktøj til prototyper i plastik, slagpresseværktøj, dør og værktøj til mobiltelefon/ mobiltelefondele, bildele, støvsugere, genopladelige værktøjer, telefoner, kopimaskiner, computere, multimediehøjttalere, og mange andre elektroniske produkter og husholdningsapparater. Og også en plastproduktproducent, skimmel producent Kina- plastikdele, vandtank i plast, plastik bolde, plastbeholdere, plastspænde, plastanker, plast bøjle, plastske, rørledning i plast, tumlet plast, bordservice i plast, plastik kopper, plastik flasker, plastbakke, kosmetisk beholder af plast, plastkasse, madbeholder i plast, plaststole, plastikkapper, lukning af plasthætte, plastrør, vandrør i plast, plastik knapper, plastrør, brugskasser i plast, plaststativer og så videre.

Person: James Yuan
Selskab: alle ridser og elektriske bearbejdningsmærker på formens arbejdsflade skal poleres
Tilføje: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong-provinsen, Kina
Tlf: 86-752-6682869
E-mail: [email protected]

Websted: https://www.jasonmolding.com/custom-injection-molding/

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