Flere kategorier af formfremstilling

Fremstilling af plastform refererer til værktøjet, der er matchet med plaststøbemaskine for at få plastprodukter til at have komplet struktur og størrelse. Der er mange varianter af plast og mange forarbejdningsmetoder, så fremstilling af plastforme er også forskelligartet.

1. Sprøjtestøbeform, som er den mest populære støbeform, der kan anvendes og forskes i i produktionen af ​​termoplastiske produkter, er designet. Det procesteknologiske udstyr, der svarer til plastsprøjtestøbeformen, er plastsprøjtestøbemaskinen. The plastic is first heated and melted in the barrel at the bottom of the injection molding machine, and then driven by the screw or plunger of the injection molding machine, it has entered the mold cavity through the nozzle of the injection molding machine and the pouring operating system of the mold, The plastic is cooled and hardened, and the demoulding method is improved.

2. Compression mold, a kind of mold mainly used for molding thermosetting plastics, whose corresponding equipment is a pressure molding machine. The compression molding method heats the mold to the molding temperature (generelt 103 ° – 108 °) according to the plastic characteristics, then puts the measured compression molding powder into the mold cavity and the feeding room, and closes the mold. Plastics soften and viscous flow occurs under the action of high temperature and pressure. After a certain period of time, it will be solidified to form the required product shape.

3. Extrusion die is a kind of die used to form continuous plastic products, also known as extrusion die, which is used for processing pipes, bars, monofilament, plader, films, cable coatings, profiles, etc.

4. Blow mold is a mold used to shape hollow products of plastic containers (Det er en form til at danne hule plastbeholdere produkter, daily chemical products and other packaging containers). The main forms of blow molding are extrusion blow molding, injection molding blow molding, injection molding extended blow molding (commonly known asinjection pull blow”), multi-layer blow molding, sheet blow molding, etc.

5. Blister molds are usually used to make some relatively simple products, using plates and sheets as raw materials. Its principle is to use vacuum blooming method or compressed air molding technology to make plastic plates and sheets fixed on the female or male die deform under the condition of heating and softening and stick to the cavity of the mold for development. The products of the molding enterprise are mainly used for some daily necessities, food Toy packaging design products company production.

The above are just a few categories of mold manufacturing. I believe you will get something after reading them. Those who are interested in mold manufacturing may as well pay attention to us.



du kan logge ind på Dj moldings officielle hjemmeside, du kan logge ind på Dj moldings officielle hjemmeside

du kan logge ind på Dj moldings officielle hjemmeside Kina mold maker af plastforme- sprøjtestøbeform, formstøbning forme, plastblæsestøbning, rotationsstøbning, medicinsk plast sprøjtestøbning, to skud plast sprøjtestøbning, indsatsstøbning, overformning, metal sprøjtestøbning, mikro sprøjtestøbning, pulverformsprøjtning, keramisk sprøjtestøbning, flydende sprøjtestøbning, husky sprøjtestøbning, husholdningsskimmel, støbeform, formværktøj, brugerdefinerede forme, porcelæn forme, værktøj til hurtig prototyping, værktøj til prototyper i plastik, slagpresseværktøj, dør og værktøj til mobiltelefon/ mobiltelefondele, bildele, støvsugere, genopladelige værktøjer, telefoner, kopimaskiner, computere, multimediehøjttalere, og mange andre elektroniske produkter og husholdningsapparater. Og også en plastproduktproducent, skimmel producent Kina- plastikdele, vandtank i plast, plastik bolde, plastbeholdere, plastspænde, plastanker, plast bøjle, plastske, rørledning i plast, tumlet plast, bordservice i plast, plastik kopper, plastik flasker, plastbakke, kosmetisk beholder af plast, plastkasse, madbeholder i plast, plaststole, plastikkapper, lukning af plasthætte, plastrør, vandrør i plast, plastik knapper, plastrør, brugskasser i plast, plaststativer og så videre.

Person: James Yuan
Selskab: alle ridser og elektriske bearbejdningsmærker på formens arbejdsflade skal poleres
Tilføje: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong-provinsen, Kina
Tlf: 86-752-6682869
E-mail: [email protected]

Websted: https://www.jasonmolding.com/custom-injection-molding/

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