Industri Apa yang Banyak Digunakan Dalam Cetakan??

Cetakan yang digunakan dalam produksi industri untuk cetakan injeksi, cetakan tiup, ekstrusi, die casting atau forging moulding, peleburan, stamping dan metode lain untuk mendapatkan produk yang dibutuhkan. Pendeknya, cetakan adalah alat yang digunakan untuk membuat benda cetakan. Alat ini terdiri dari berbagai bagian. Cetakan yang berbeda terbuat dari bagian yang berbeda. Hal ini dikenal sebagai “ibu industri” dengan mengubah keadaan fisik bahan cetakan untuk mencapai pemrosesan bentuk objek.


Dengan berkembangnya industri manufaktur China, setelah puluhan tahun akumulasi teknologi pembuatan cetakan, mold products have been gradually applied to all walks of life, showing the development trend of horizontal and vertical depth synchronous expansion. Dengan latar belakang peningkatan teknologi pembuatan cetakan dan persaingan pasar yang semakin ketat, mold products are gradually being widely used in the light industrial products which mainly represent automobile, peralatan Rumah tangga, elektronik konsumen dan produk plastik.


Application of mold in automobile industry


Perkembangan industri cetakan mobil erat kaitannya dengan perkembangan industri otomotif. The steady and rapid development of automobile industry will greatly promote the development of automobile die industry. Dies are consumables with a large amount of consumption. Lebih dari 90% of the parts in the automotive industry are molded with cold, hot and plastic molds. The average consumption of dies per 10,000 vehicles is 0.12 ton. Secara umum, dibutuhkan sekitar 1500 moulds to make an ordinary car, termasuk hampir 1000 stamping moulds and more than 200 interior moulds.


According to professional institutions, automotive molds account for about one-third of the market share of the mold industry, dan menurut statistik Biro Statistik Nasional, the sales revenue of automotive molds in China in 2017 was 266.342 miliar yuan, according to which the estimated size of China’s automotive mold Market in 2017 reached 88.8 miliar yuan. Oleh 2023, Produksi mobil China akan mencapai hampir 41.82 juta kendaraan, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan rata-rata sekitar 6.0%, dan permintaan cetakan mobil akan mencapai sekitar 500 ton.


Application of mold in consumer electronics industry


Dengan meningkatnya tingkat konsumsi masyarakat, the demand for consumer electronics products continues to expand, product renewal accelerated, consumer electronics market continues to grow, while driving the rapid development of mold-related industries. Data show that the global consumer electronics market in 2015 sendiri, didorong oleh pesatnya pertumbuhan smartphone, tablet, personal computers and other terminal equipment, mencapai hampir 790 miliar euro, peningkatan 1.5% dari tahun sebelumnya.


The continuous growth of the scale of China’s electronic information industry has formed a relatively complete product category of manufacturing system and industrial supporting basis. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, di 2015, China’s electronic information industry sales revenue reached 15.4 triliun yuan, peningkatan lebih dari 10.4%; China’s electronic information manufacturing industry above the scale of 11,329.46 billion yuan in sales output value, peningkatan 9.0%. Keluaran ponsel, sirkuit terpadu dan produk utama lainnya tercapai 1.81 miliar unit dan 108.72 billion units respectively, peningkatan 7.8% dan 7.1% year-on-year respectively. Consumer electronics, such as mobile phones, personal computers and tablets, account for more than 50% of global production and are firmly in the top position in the world. During the “13th Five-Yearperiod, the demand for mold in the consumer electronics industry will continue to show a steady upward trend.


Application of mold in household appliance industry


With the improvement of living standard, the demand of household appliances in China has been developing steadily and rapidly. Menurut datanya, dari 2011 untuk 2016, the main business income of the household appliance industry in China increased from 1,101.575 miliar yuan untuk 1,460.566 miliar yuan, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan majemuk tahunan sebesar 5.80%; keuntungan total industri meningkat pesat dari 51.162 miliar yuan untuk 19.69 miliar yuan, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan majemuk tahunan sebesar 18.53%.


China’s household electrical appliances industry has formed a complete independent supporting system of components, menciptakan rantai industri hulu dan hilir yang lengkap. Most parts of household appliances depend on mold injection molding, and the industrial cluster provides a good external environment for the linkage effect of mold industry and household appliances industry. Experts predict that with the gradual development of household electrical appliances products towards intelligent, personalized and lightweight direction, the iteration rate of household electrical appliances product renewal is significantly accelerated, and the future market of household electrical appliances industry will continue to maintain a stable growth trend.

JasonMouldIndustrialCompanyLimited, based at GuangDong Province, China was established in 2010. The company is a leading manufacturer of injection moulding and specializes in plastic moulding for use in household appliances, peralatan elektronik, medical and safety equipment and monitoring systems.

Kontak: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited Address: Desa LongGang, Kota LongXi, Kabupaten BoLuo, Kota HuiZhou, Provinsi Guangdong, China Phone: 86-752-6682869 Surel: [email protected]Situs web:


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