Cosa è Prototype:

Prototipazione is an important phase in any product development cycle. In una situazione ideale, lo stampo prototipo dovrebbe replicare la stessa strategia di attrezzaggio dello stampo di produzione.

Come creare un prototipo:

Gli stampi prototipo possono essere semplici o complessi, acciaio o alluminio, however the common denominator for any prototyping effort should be speed and quality. When trying to determine the correct path for you it pays to consult an expert prototype mold builder for advice on materials and construction methods to reduce costs, time and improve overall quality.

Come choose prototyping company :

  1. The experience

Design creation and prototype development won’t be easy without proper planning. Your chosen company should have the desired experience to render professional services. That’s where you need to find out their years of experience and identify their areas of expertise. That will give you a crystal clear idea of their efficiency.

  1. Prototype creation

Working on the prototype is the first thing to do when it comes to creating prints. Check whether the chosen company offers perfect prototyping assistance or not. You will need to breeze through the service portfolio of the company and find out their range of prototyping support.

  1. Technology used

The swift and remarkable developments in technology have led to quicker operations. Take a look around, and you will come across numerous tech innovations revolutionizing the printing sector. The technology used by the company is of paramount significance, as it determines the execution of the entire project. Making the right choice is highly important in this context since the quality of prototypes depend on that.

Di Fabbrica di stampi in Cina


Di JasonMuld Industrial Company Limited:

JasonMuld è uno dei migliori produttore di stampaggio ad iniezione di plastica che offrono ottimi servizi ai loro clienti quando si tratta di produrre strumenti di stampaggio avanzati. Esportano i loro strumenti in diverse parti del mondo e sono diventati uno dei nomi più famosi nel settore industriale.

Richiesta Contatto:

Referente: James Yuan

Nome della ditta: JasonMuld Industrial Company Limited

Indirizzo: Villaggio LongGang,Città di LongXi,Contea di BoLuo,HuiZhou Cityhou,Provincia di Guangdong, Cina

Telefono: 86-752-6682869

E-mail: [email protected]

Sito web: https://www.jasonmolding.com

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