10 Fatores que afetam a qualidade dos moldes de injeção

A fabricação de moldes é um processo complicado. Das etapas do projeto, em processamento, conjunto, depuração, etc., ao uso final, existem principalmente 10 fatores que afetam a qualidade do molde ao longo da vida.

1.O aço é o fator decisivo na qualidade do molde, e escolher o aço certo é a principal prioridade.
Os critérios para a escolha do aço são:

O que pode ser feito durante a injeção do molde para evitar problemasRequirements for injection molding materials

Plásticos diferentes devem usar aços diferentes, tais como requisitos para alto polimento, resistência à corrosão, etc.z


If the steel is good, then it is enough, not as expensive as possible; considering the cost of the mold, the mold steel should use the material corresponding to the life of the mold to avoid unnecessary waste; the life of the general P20 material is about 300,000; 2738 materials are no problem at 500,000, H13/2344 is usually more than 80-100 milhão, and can be selected according to the situation;

Surface finish

The surface treatment of the mold is also very important. Nitriding can enhance the surface hardness of steel and effectively extend the life of the mold. Electroplating can effectively modify the mold steel. For some high-brightness and corrosion-resistant plastic parts, electroplating can be used to enhance and improve the performance of the steel.

  1. Structural design

The completed mold structure not only considers the product material properties, shrinkage rate, molding temperature, elastic tensile deformation coefficient, etc., but also considers the cooling water passage, the speed of opening and closing the mold, and the like. Reasonable mold structure can effectively extend the life of the mold and ensure the smooth production of the mold, improve efficiency and reduce costs.

  1. Mold processing

If a worker wants to do something good, he must first sharpen his tools. The arrangement of the mold process is particularly important, and the reasonable process arrangement can speed up the production cycle, shorten the processing time, and effectively save costs. And more importantly, accurate and reasonable processing can ensure the stability and longevity of the mold during the production process. Some machining errors will lead to mold welding, no matter how good the welding is, it is a loss to the mold; in addition, poor processing may affect the mold movement, reduce the mold life, and cause the mold to crack during the production process, even broken.

  1. Stand parts

The lowest bar is the one that determines the capacity of the bucket. Everyone understands this truth, but it is often not noticed when doing it. The mold is the same, although the standard parts are not directly involved in the molding, but control the operation of the entire mold. Good standard parts should be wear-resistant, hard enough, Eles desempenham um papel importante na indústria de moldagem por injeção, and not suitable for deformation. Different brands of standard parts are very expensive, so don’t blindly kill the mold, kill it, and your mold will drop from Mercedes to the public.

  1. Collision

The experience of the mold fitter is against the seemingly simple work but the most technical work. The main thing about complex molds is this effort. The flat mold is the simplest, and the fractal surface is basically ok as long as there is no flash break. It is very troublesome to use a car accessory mold. Not only is the fractal surface relatively irregular, but it often includes multiple sliders and top blocks. Ao mesmo tempo, it can improve and perfect other problems of the mold through the touch, so it is a comprehensive work.

  1. Polished/skinned

The polishing of the mold is the last step in the manufacture of the mold. Polishing is directly reflected on the plastic parts, so this is the most face-to-face job. Polishing also helps and complements the mold movement, especially for demolding. Often some mold production is not smooth because the lighting is not in place, the resistance is too large, the demoulding is difficult, and even the white, the top crack and so on.

  1. Mold assembly

Mold assembly is like assembling a machine. Every component and every screw can’t go wrong. Por outro lado, the consequences will be quite serious. If it is light, it will lead to product defects, affecting production, and completely damage the mold and cause scrapping. Portanto, the assembly work must be very detailed.
In the assembly process, especially pay attention to the cleaning of the mold, especially the water circuit and screw holes. Be sure to blow off the iron filings inside.

  1. Hot runner or cold runner

This actually has the least impact on the quality of the mold, because the hot runners are generally branded by customers, especially some large customers. Well-known foreign brands do very well in quality and after-sales service, so there is generally no problem in quality. Contudo, some domestic hot runners have a very different quality. Para economizar custos, individual small enterprises strive for price advantages, and with some unreliable heating and conduction accessories, problems are easy to occur. The main problem of the cold runner is how to ensure the balance of injection molding, gate size, pressão de injeção, etc.

  1. The cooling water channel

Anyone with experience in mold knows how important cooling is to a mold.
Due to the increase in prices and labor wages, it is unthinkable to reduce the profit from the one-second injection cycle when mass-producing products. Contudo, when the production cycle is accelerated, the temperature of the mold will rise. If it is not effectively controlled, the mold will be too hot to be formed, and even the mold deformation will be scrapped. Portanto, excellent waterway design is particularly important, including the arrangement density of waterways, diameters, links between each other, e assim por diante.

  1. Manutenção do molde

Durante o processo de produção, mold maintenance is important. The mold is like a car. If it is not used for a long time without maintenance, it may cause the mold to be scrapped. Portanto, every time the mold is used, it must be fully maintained, especially the rust prevention of the molded part and the rust prevention of the main moving parts. Because the mold has to be watered during the production process, it may fall into the mold during the installation or disassembly process, so be sure to dry the mold and then apply a layer of oil protection.

Sobre JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Jasonmould é um Fabricante de moldes da china de moldes de plástico- molde de injeção, moldes de fundição sob pressão, moldagem por sopro de plástico, moldagem rotacional, médico moldagem por injeção de plástico, dois tiros moldagem por injeção de plástico, inserir moldagem, sobremoldagem, moldagem por injeção de metal, moldagem por micro injeção, moldagem por injeção de pó, moldagem por injeção de cerâmica, moldagem por injeção de líquido, moldagem por injeção husky, molde doméstico, molde de fundição, ferramenta de molde, moldes personalizados, moldes da china, ferramentas de prototipagem rápida, ferramentas de prototipagem de plástico, ferramentas de punção, matriz e ferramentas para peças móveis / celulares, partes automotivas, aspirador de pó, ferramentas recarregáveis, telefones, copiadoras, computadores, alto-falantes multimídia, e muitos outros produtos eletrônicos e eletrodomésticos. E também um fabricante de produtos de plástico, fabricante de moldes China- peças de plástico, tanque de água de plástico, bolas de plástico, recipientes de plástico, fivela de plástico, âncora de plástico, cabide de plástico, colher de plástico, encaixe de tubo de plástico, tombo de plástico, talheres de plástico, copos de plastico, garrafas plásticas, bandeja de plastico, recipiente plástico de cosmético, caixa de plástico, recipiente de plástico para comida, cadeiras de plástico, tampas de plástico, tampa de plástico, tubos de plástico, canos de água de plástico, maçanetas de plástico, tubo de plástico, caixas utilitárias de plástico, prateleiras de plástico e assim por diante.

Pessoa: James Yuan
Empresa: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Adicionar: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,Cidade de HuiZhou,Província de Guangdong, China
Tel: 86-752-6682869
E-mail: [email protected]

Local: https://www.jasonmolding.com/low-volume-manufacturing/

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