3 Fordele ved sprøjtestøbning i store dele

Understøttet af interne design- og ingeniørhold

En komponent i plastfremstillingsindustrien, der er på vej op, er sprøjtestøbning af store dele. Denne industri er kommet langt. Mange store dele, der tidligere var lavet af træ eller metal, er nu lavet af sprøjtestøbt plast. Producing larger and larger injection molded dele is easier and more efficient than it’s ever been. Det er også mere bæredygtigt, også!

Inden vi dækker fordelene, you need to evaluate the plastics manufacturer you partner with. You need to make sure they can handle the size and capacity of the part you’d like to produce. Here are some core services and value-added services you should look for in a large part injection molding manufacturer:

  • Part Designer
  • Product Designer
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Paint
  • Specialized Coating
  • Product Assembly
  • Custom Packaging
  • Global Logistics
  • Customs Documentation
  • Global Benchmarking
  • Processing Improvement Technicians

Once you’ve found a plastics manufacturer you can trust, you’re ready to explore the benefits of large part injection molding.

Plastic Is Stronger Than Ever Before

Plastic and resins are stronger than they’ve ever been, in many cases, matching or exceeding the strength of metal, for their relative weight and size. Og, because they are cheaper, easier and more efficient to produce than metal, the savings and value are passed on to you and your consumers.

Plastic Is Lightweight

We just mentioned how plastics have, ounce for ounce, become nearly as strong a metal. One other distinct difference between metal and plastic is weight. Metal can weigh twice as much as plastic, eller mere! If the part is being used on cars or equipment for example, weight of metal can slow vehicles down and can reduce aerodynamics, because the thickness and shape is limited. Imidlertid, plastic is not only highly durable, but its very light weight for it’s relative size and strength. Plastic composites create aerodynamic vehicles, because it’s lighter, more moldable, thinner, and just as strong as it’s metal counterpart.

Jasonmould Plastics Knows Your Large Part Injection Molding Needs

Jasonmould Plast is an industry leader in large part injection molding projects. Let us guide you through the process and detail your company’s options. Contact Jasonmould Plasticsfor more information on how we can maximize your large part injection molding project.

Om JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:

JasonMould er en af ​​de bedste producent af plastindsprøjtestøbning der tilbyder gode tjenester til deres kunder, når det kommer til fremstilling af avancerede støbeværktøjer. De eksporterer deres værktøjer til forskellige dele af verden og er blevet et af de mest berømte navne i den industrielle sektor.

Forespørgsel Kontakt:

Kontaktperson: James Yuan

Firmanavn: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Adresse: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong-provinsen, Kina

Telefon: 86-752-6682869

E-mail: [email protected]

Internet side: https://www.jasonmolding.com



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