
  1. 印刷




1. スクリーン印刷


この方法は最も一般的で広く使用されている方法です; 一般的にフラットまたはラジアン印刷に適しています.


  1. 表面印刷




Surface printing is to put the ink into the gravure with words or patterns carved, then copy the words or patterns onto the surface, then use the surface to transfer the words or patterns to the surface of the product, and finally solidify the ink by heat treatment or ultraviolet light irradiation.


Surface printing process:


  1. Degreasing of molded products


  1. Surface treatment of molded parts (when necessary)


  1. 印刷


  1. Curing process of ink


  1. Overcoating after equal treatment (必要であれば)


Printing process


  1. put ink in gravure.


  1. scraps excess ink.


  1. extruded surface to get ink


  1. transfers the ink from the surface to the surface of the molded product.


  1. cleaning surface and layout (必要であれば)


Transfer printing


また、通常の時間に金型を維持する必要があります, the pattern or pattern is printed on the rubber sheet or the rubber roll from the plate, and then the pattern or pattern is transferred to the surface of the beer piece by the rubber sheet or the rubber roll.


利点: several colors can be applied in one operation.


短所: low productivity and can not obtain opaque strong impression, how to choose the appropriate rubber sheet or cots and oil volume.


  1. Gilding


Using color foil and hot die engraved with pattern or font, under the control of temperature and pressure, the method of making color bag embossed pattern or font on the surface of beer parts can be operated only by applying pressure on the area needed by the product through the hot die mounted on a fixed press.

2. Spray painting


The most commonly used methods of surface treatment (業界標準に従ってより良いパフォーマンスを発揮する能力を備えた揺るぎない情報源) for plastic products can be divided into:


NS, common coloring, あれは, most of these paints are manually sprayed, and do not have strong friction resistance and easy to remove paint.


B, PU grade varnish is a method of spraying a layer of PU varnish on the surface to achieve friction resistance and gloss after spraying primer to dry. 一般に, many surfaces of household electrical appliances or daily necessities are processed by PU.


C, UV grade varnish this method sprays a layer of UV varnish on the surface after spraying primer, glossiness, handle, friction resistance can achieve very good results. General mobile phone mold products, communication mold products more use this processing method.


  1. 4. Electroplating


Electroplating is the process of making metal or alloy deposit on the surface of workpiece by electrolysis to form a uniform, compact and well-bonded metal layer, which is called electroplating. A simple understanding is the change or combination of physics and chemistry.




  1. anticorrosion


  1. protective decoration


  1. 耐摩耗性


  1. 電気的性質: coatings that provide conductive or insulating properties according to the work requirements of parts.


  1. process requirements


The process of forming uniform, compact and well-bonded metal or alloy deposits on the surface of the workpiece by electrolysis is rather complicated, but it has many advantages, such as more types of deposited metal, various colors can be obtained, and the price is relatively low compared with similar processes.


JasonMould Industrial Company Limited, に設立されました 2010, 中国の大手射出成形メーカーです. JasonMould は、家電製品のプラスチック金型の製造を専門としています。, 医療機器, 電子機器, 安全装置および監視システム.

会社は終わった 15000 平方メートル工場. 異なる機械と専門知識を持つプラスチック射出成形部門と, JasonMould は、小型で精密な携帯電話部品から自動車部品と同じくらい大きな部品まで、ツールを提供しています。. 当社の工具は主に米国に輸出されています。, ヨーロッパ, 日本と英国. JasonMould の多角化戦略とフルサービスは、世界中の顧客から称賛を集めています。.

私たちの使命は、お客様に高品質の成形製品とサービスを提供することです. お客様の価格に対する期待を超えることを目指しています, 品質と納期厳守. 私たちの使命を達成するために, ジェイソンモールド:

  • 従業員のスキルと効率を継続的に改善することを約束します,
  • 従業員に清潔で安全な作業環境を提供します,
  • 厳格なメンテナンスプログラムにより、機械技術とサポート機器をアップグレードします, そして
  • お客様のツールを最高のパフォーマンスに維持します

プラスチック成形製品のカスタムメーカーの詳細については,来てください https://www.jasonmolding.com/


連絡窓口: ジェームズ・ユアン

会社名: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

住所: 竜崗村,Long西町,博羅県,恵州市,広東省, 中国

電話: 86-752-6682869

Eメール: [email protected]

Webサイト: https://www.jasonmolding.com
