
PMMAプラスチック射出成形プロセス, PMMAプラスチック射出成形プロセス, PMMAプラスチック射出成形プロセス. PMMAプラスチック射出成形プロセス, PMMAプラスチック射出成形プロセス, しかし、この高度な技術を使用している中国の企業はほとんどありません. しかし、中国の金型産業のさらなる発展に伴い、, この技術は徐々に促進され、広く適用されます. How to choose the appropriate hot runner system?



The injection pressure loss in the hot runner system can not be ignored. Many hot runner die users have a misunderstanding that the plastic solution in the hot runner is always hot, so the injection pressure loss of the hot runner is much smaller than that of the cold flow channel. 実際には, in order to meet the needs of the heat flow channel structure design, the flow distance of the dissolved body in the heat flow system will be greatly increased, so the injection pressure loss in the heat flow system can not be peeped. 実際の応用例では, because of the excessive injection pressure loss in the hot runner system, there are many difficulties in the injection molding, so the CAE software should be used to analyze the flow path analysis by the CAE software for the plastic (パソコンなど, POM, NS。), the large flow distance in the heat flow system and the large weight of the parts in the heat flow system. Count.


Heating mode

A major difference between the hot runner systems is the heating mode of the melt. The internal heating system is to directly install the heater in the melting channel and heat the raw materials from the inside. The external heating system is heating the raw materials outside, so that the raw materials flow through the flow path without obstacles. The external heating system solves the dead point problem in the melting channel and makes the shear curve in the melt more reasonable.


Type of gate

There are many types of gate for selection. Factors to be considered include: permitted gate mark, gate location and injection molding.

The type of raw material. Whether it is non crystallization, crystallization or thermoplastic elastomer, different gate types are limited to specific raw materials. Knowing the most suitable raw materials for gating will help to select the best gate.


Standard or not

一般に, hot runner system suppliers provide two hot runner systems, namely standard and non standard. それで, users should choose the standard hot runner system as far as possible, including standard length and standard size nozzle, hot runner plate, gate insert and so on. This is not only because the standard hot runner system is low in price, short in delivery time, and has interchangeability of parts, which is conducive to future use and maintenance. Once a part is broken, buy another standard part and install it.


Types of processed plastics

When selecting hot runner systems, the types of plastics to be processed must be considered. 例えば, if the processed glass reinforced plastics (such as glass reinforced nylon materials, NS。) should be selected with good wear-resistant gate inserts, a hot runner system with a smooth and unflowing dead angle should be selected if the processing of plastic (such as PVC) is easy to be heat decomposed, and a larger spray should be considered if the plastic material (パソコンなど) is poor in processing fluidity. The mouth series and the larger runner section size are used in the hot runner plate. In order to ensure the best performance of the system, it is necessary to analyze the plastic parts and processing conditions. したがって、, not only the weight of the products should be considered, but also the appropriate size of the melt channel, including the melt index, 射出時間, injection period and melt temperature, should be calculated. The appropriate size of the melt channel is very important to the performance of the hot runner. The improper size of the melt channel can lead to the degradation of the plastic, or the inhomogeneity of the injection parts or the incomplete filling, and the slow change of the color. In order to determine the optimum size of the weld, pressure drop, residence time, Wen Sheng, shear rate and color changing frequency should be taken into consideration.


Multi region temperature control

If a user needs a large, complex heat flow system, or a plastic with a narrow temperature sensitive and narrow range of processing parameters, a heat flow path design with multi zone temperature control should be selected. この上, users can adjust and control the temperature distribution according to the need. An ideal thermal channel system should have a uniform temperature distribution, but in fact there will be a variety of reasons for different temperatures in the hot runner, such as the mass of the hot runner heating component, the excessive loss of heat in the combination of the hot runner system and the mold, and the different shear heat of the plastic solution everywhere in the hot runner. The larger the size of the hot runner system is, the more complex it is to choose the hot runner system with multi zone temperature control.


JasonMould Industrial Company Limited, に設立されました 2010, 中国の大手射出成形メーカーです. JasonMould は、家電製品のプラスチック金型の製造を専門としています。, 医療機器, 電子機器, 安全装置および監視システム.

会社は終わった 15000 平方メートル工場. 異なる機械と専門知識を持つプラスチック射出成形部門と, JasonMould は、小型で精密な携帯電話部品から自動車部品と同じくらい大きな部品まで、ツールを提供しています。. 当社の工具は主に米国に輸出されています。, ヨーロッパ, 日本と英国. JasonMould の多角化戦略とフルサービスは、世界中の顧客から称賛を集めています。.

私たちの使命は、お客様に高品質の成形製品とサービスを提供することです. お客様の価格に対する期待を超えることを目指しています, 品質と納期厳守. 私たちの使命を達成するために, ジェイソンモールド:

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  • 従業員に清潔で安全な作業環境を提供します,
  • 厳格なメンテナンスプログラムにより、機械技術とサポート機器をアップグレードします, そして
  • お客様のツールを最高のパフォーマンスに維持します





連絡窓口: ジェームズ・ユアン

会社名: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

住所: 竜崗村,Long西町,博羅県,恵州市,広東省, 中国

電話: 86-752-6682869

Eメール: [email protected]


