
Plastic mould industry is a traditional industry in China. プラスチック製造における射出成形を備えたゲートシステムの構成. 同時に, プラスチック製造における射出成形を備えたゲートシステムの構成. プラスチック製造における射出成形を備えたゲートシステムの構成, but the technology level is still far from that of foreign countries.


Plastic mold is a tool for plastic processing industry and plastic forming machine, which gives plastic products complete configuration and precise size. Because there are many kinds of plastics and processing methods, and the structures of plastic moulding machines and plastic products are different, so the types and structures of plastic moulds are also varied.


In the process of production and manufacturing, especially in the process of industrial production of mechanical parts, all kinds of functional parts have to be molded. Now more and more enterprises use plastic moulds to produce and process parts, which also reduces production costs for enterprises.

近年では, plastic moulds have developed rapidly in China. 現在のところ, the proportion of plastic moulds in the whole moulding industry is about 30%, and the proportion in the import and export of moulds is as high as 50-70%. With the rapid development of China’s machinery, 自動車, 家庭用器具, electronic information and building materials and other pillar industries of the national economy, this proportion will continue to increase.


According to experts’prediction, the overall hot trend of the mould market is stable and upward. In the future mould market, the development speed of plastic mould will be higher than other moulds, and the proportion in the mould industry will gradually increase.


Due to the complex shape and flexible design of plastic spare parts, there are higher requirements for die materials, design level and processing equipment. しかしながら, there is still a big gap between the design and manufacturing level of our country’s moulds and that of foreign developed countries. 現在のところ, we need to break through the three bottlenecks restricting the development of the die industry as soon as possible: 初め, to increase the research and development of plastic materials and injection molding technology; 2番目, plastic mould enterprises should go to the park. 第三, the level of tooling such as the test results of mould test must keep up as soon as possible, otherwise the development of plastic mould will be restricted.


ザ・ 会社 終わった 15000 平方メートル工場. 異なる機械と専門知識を持つプラスチック射出成形部門と, JasonMould は、小型で精密な携帯電話部品から自動車部品と同じくらい大きな部品まで、ツールを提供しています。. 当社の工具は主に米国に輸出されています。, ヨーロッパ, 日本と英国. JasonMould の多角化戦略とフルサービスは、世界中の顧客から称賛を集めています。.

私たちの使命は、お客様に高品質の成形製品とサービスを提供することです. お客様の価格に対する期待を超えることを目指しています, 品質と納期厳守. 私たちの使命を達成するために, ジェイソンモールド:

  • 従業員のスキルと効率を継続的に改善することを約束します,
  • 従業員に清潔で安全な作業環境を提供します,
  • 厳格なメンテナンスプログラムにより、機械技術とサポート機器をアップグレードします, そして
  • お客様のツールを最高のパフォーマンスに維持します

詳細については 中国射出成形コスト,来てください https://www.jasonmolding.com/


連絡窓口: ジェームズ・ユアン

会社名: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

住所: 竜崗村,Long西町,博羅県,恵州市,広東省, 中国

電話: 86-752-6682869

Eメール: [email protected]

Webサイト: https://www.jasonmolding.com
